About us
Here you will find detailed information about the people behind this project.
Saale Fischer received a bachelor in marketing at Technical University Tallinn. She studied harpsichord at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater in Tallinn and holds a MA in historical keyboard instruments from Academy of Music in Trossingen, Germany. Saale got scholarships from Nordic Council and from Estonian Cultural Fund. Besides teaching harpsichord, she worked as a church organist in Germany and Egypt and was a music educator at Montessori Kindergarten 'Kompass' in Cairo. She also writes for 'Sirp' journal in Estonia.
Christian M. Fischer studied media design at Bauhaus University Weimar and electro acoustic composition at Academy of Music Franz Liszt Weimar and at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater. Besides several teaching jobs he worked at Academy of Applied Sciences and Arts in Schwäbisch Hall and was head of the Media Design Department at German University in Cairo. Currently he is a PhD candidate in the composition department at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater dealing with 'Motion Graphic Music Notation'.