Call for works

ENDED ON 31.01.2014

We are seeking compositions for harpsichord only. There will be a selection of works by an international jury. Please read the rules and regulations carefully before submitting your work.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using our mail form.


Rules and Regulations:

  1. The submission is free of charge.
  2. There are no restrictions regarding age, gender or nationality.
  3. There are no restrictions regarding the musical style/genre.
  4. There are no restrictions regarding the type of submission (e.g. song, exercise, concerto,...).
  5. There are no restrictions regarding the type/style of notation.
  6. Graphic or other alternative types of notation are possible.
  7. The work must not been published before.
  8. The work should not be composed before the year 2000.
  9. Up to three submissions (works) per submitter are allowed.
  10. The submission must contain the following: a) title and date of the work, b) short cv of the composer including full name, contact data and creative activities, c) the score, d) a short description explaining the work, especially regarding it's value for teaching and finally e) a signed (scanned) statement verifying that the submitter holds all the rights of the work and that the work has not been published before.
  11. Only submissions containing all necessary information will be accepted.
  12. By submitting, the submitter of the work agrees to the following terms: sent material will eventually pass into the possession of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater Library. The submitter waives on any financial claims. Sent material might be published in an exercise book for harpsichord. Sent material might be presented publicly. Sent material might be performed publicly.  
  13. Please submit your work and all necessary information as a PDF using the following email address: info [at] or via regular mail using the following postal address: Saale Fischer, Suurevälja tee 5, Vanamoisa küla, Saue vald, Harjumaa, 76506 Estonia
  14. Sent material will not be returned. Do not send originals!
  15. The jury will choose the works to be published.
  16. Decision of selection by jury is final.
  17. The jury members and their selection will be announced officially on this website.